EPAL Certified

Why EPAL Pallets?

BMR is a certified manufacturer of new wooden Euro Pallets (EPAL). Our manufacturing facilities allow us to provide customers with a large quantity of Epal within a short period.


Euro pallets (EPAL) have proven to be a simple, but effective solution for storing and transporting various goods :

  • The strongest brand on the pallet market
  • Global and unlimited sharing
  • Unified quality standard
  • Long service life in accordance with the laws

    of the European Union related to reducing
    packaging waste

  • High commercial value at resale

Euro pallets are the preferred standard throughout much of Europe and the largest pallet pool in the world with between 300 – 500 million pallets estimated to be in worldwide circulation. BMR is currently licensed by the European Pallet Association (EPAL) to manufacture and repair Euro pallets in Indonesia.

Other Certification